Time & Location
Oct 06, 2020, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM EDT
About the Congress
International Bariatric Club University of Oxford Hot Topics in Surgery - Online Debate
Theme: Battle of the Balloons
Tuesday, October 6th, 2020
800-930 PST
1100-1230 EST
1200-1330 Brazil
1600-1730 BST
1900-2030 UAE
Chair: Professor Ariel Ortiz-Lagardere (USA)
Co-Chair: Professor Manoel Galvao Neto (Brazil)
Debate #1
Swallowable Balloons will replace endoscopically placed Intragastric Balloons in the near future’
Debate Moderator: Prof Eduardo Grecco (Brazil)
FOR: Prof Salman K Al-Sabah (Kuwait)
AGAINST: Dr. Anna Carolina Hoff (Brazil)
Debate #2
Air filled Balloons will replace fluid filled Balloons in the Near Future Debate
Moderator: Dr. Helmuth Billy (USA)
FOR: Prof Mohammed Rizwan (Qatar)
AGAINST: Dr. Reem Sharaiha (USA)
Panel Discussion: How Can we Mitigate the Complications of Intragastric Balloons?
Chair: Professor Manoel Galvao Neto (Brazil)
Dr Levon N. Grigoryan (Armenia) Mr. Evangelos Efthimiou (UK) Prof. Gontrand López-Nava (Spain) Dr. Christine Stier (Germany) Dr. Sonja Chiappetta (Italy) Prof. Alfredo Genco (Italy) Dr. Anna Carolina Hoff (Brazil) Prof. Gustavo Carvalho (Brazil) Prof. Barham Abu Dayyeh (USA)