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The International Bariatric Club is a group of experts interested in learning and mastering their skills. Now we offer the MINI FELLOWSHIP -  a collegial exchange of experience. We hope that skills learned from top experts will help you improving your  bariatric practice. We offer a well selected training with experienced surgeons. IBC Mini-Fellowship is recommended  for trained and  experienced bariatric surgeons and healthcare professionals from all over the World.




Applying physician is responsible to cover all associated costs, including flights, hotels, accommodation, food and daily expanses.


Fellows are responsible to obtain insurance, including malpractice insurance and personal health insurance. 


Fellows are requested to provide the highest moral standards, including providing patient privacy and confidentiality. No data including images, video, clinical or personal information will be published are shared in any form, including personal notes, recording, web sites, social media, email, text messages, etc. 


Patients' privacy and dignity is our top priority. Patients will be introduced to Fellows and ask for written permission to participate in their care at any level, even observing. 


Fellows not following the highest standards will be immediately rejected. 




We  offer two types of training: 2 weeks (focused) and 4 weeks (general)

Certificate should include details including case logs, activities - scrubbing vs observing, rounding, discussions, decision making, etc. Those details can be specified in an additional letter


The content of training depends on the Site Director and needs to discussed prior to applying. This includes the level of engagement: hands on or observation. 


The International Bariatric Club is not responsible for the content of the Course or any other aspects of the training including but not limited to clinical decisions. The only function of the International Bariatric Club and intention of the IBC Mini Fellowship is to match training centers with interested trainees. 




Licensure and insurance may be required and needs to be discussed with the Site Director before applying. 


Fellows should obtain local training license as required by local authorities. You may consider covering the fellowship  under the Director's  license,  but this needs a clear WRITTEN permission and needs to be signed by both a Fellow and Director. 




Fellows may be requested to pay a tuition fee which is fair providing Program Directors will spend significant amount of time teaching.  Some Directors agreed to be paid $1000/week. If for some reasons a fellow can not afford it, we should wave the tuition. The purpose of the tuition is to compensate Director's  time which  would be otherwise spent operating. Program Directors will calculate it and suggest a tuition which is tailored to your specific situation. 




Fellows will enter their fellowship feedback, including case logs, number of cases, scope of training, presentation, etc to a dedicated data base provided by a Program Director. 

IBC will only use this information to confirm the training and issue the certificate. The information provided by Fellows is strictly confidential and will not be shared with any external persons of organizations without written permission of the Fellow. 


Program Directors will send list of fellows to IBC Main office at


Program Directors will announce list of available dates


  1. Surgeons or other healthcare professionals working with obese patients

  2. Have at least 2 years experience in bariatric surgery/medicine

  3. Have a valid national medical license and board certification/eligibility

  4. Willing to travel and live abroad

  5. Cover all necessary expenses.


  1. Choose the Training Center, available dates and APPLY. Please review available training centers. Pick up the one which meets your needs in terms of procedures and practices to learn. Click on Site Director photo to find our more about the trainer. Make sure the Training Center is geographically conveniently located. Check local visa and licensure requirements. 

  2. Register. Once you make your selection, click apply to provide your information, pick up available date and submit your application to the Program Director. It will be send directly to the Director. You should receive a response within 48 hours. 


Registration is necessary to initiate the process. You will need to provide information in order to proceed your application. You will receive your personal account password to log in and enter case logs and other information regarding your fellowship. We will use this information to generate your IBC Mini-Fellowship Certificate. We will charge a $100 fee once you finalize your application process. 



Grant Description


  1. The International Bariatric Club Training  Grants are awarded to  Members of the Club in good standing, as a contribution towards international travel costs to further enhance a specialty skill or experience which is not normally available in the applicant's own country, for a period of between 2 and 4 weeks. The grant is intended to cover the cost of one economy class return journey and other expenses up to a value of $2000.  5 fellows will be granted each year. 

  2. Successful applicants will normally be accepted for the IBC Mini Fellowship Program and their Grant applications may be considered at the discretion of  Regional IBC Mini Fellowship Program Directors. Applicants must have obtained prior approval for the visit from the appropriate IBC Training Center.  

  3. The application should include candidate's CV and detailed justification why this Grant is needed. Successful candidates will be notified by email and Grants will be payed retrospectively after submitting copies of expense invoices and travel tickets.

  4. To aply for the Grant you need to do the following:

    1. Choose the training center listed here​

    2. Register at the Fellowship registration web site here   (PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU CHOOSE AN OPTION "Want to apply to IBC Fellowship Grant?"

    3. Receive an ecceptance email from the Training Center Director

    4. Forward the acceptance email and your CV with a short description why you need the Grant to DR. IBRAHIM ABDELHAMID  (click his name to activate email)



DR. IBRAHIM ABDELHAMID, FEBS, MRCS - Vice-Chair of the Committee

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