Time & Location
Sep 01, 2020, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM EDT
About the Congress
Theme: Diversity and Burnout in Surgery
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
800-900 PST
1100-1200 EST
1600-1700 British Summer Time
1700-1800 CEST
Chairs: Professor Ariel Ortiz-Lagardere (USA/Mexico) & Dr. Gabriela Rodriguez (México)
Dr. Christine Stier (Germany)
Professor Manoel Galvao Neto (Brazil)
The Cancer of Machismo Culture & Implications for Female Surgeons
Dr. Jaime Ponce (USA)
Is there a Glass Ceiling based on Colour for Surgeons in the United States?
Professor Mathias Fobi (USA)
Is there a Glass Ceiling based on Colour for Surgeons in Europe?
Mr. Vinod Menon (BOMSS Secretary, UK)
How Covid-19 has Caused Discrimination Against Healthcare Professionals in México ?
Professor Liza Maria Pompa Gonzalez (México)
Surgeon Burn Out: What are the Causes and the Implications for Patient Safety?
Dr. Teresa LaMasters (USA)
Questions & Answers